Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Is a Graphic Resume Design Right for You

Is a Graphic Resume plan Right for You Is a Graphic Resume Design Right for You?Is using a graphic resume entwurf worth it?Decorative resumes on colorful paper may look pretty, but they are often tossed to the side right away. While hiring managers love unique content thats organized into an easy-to-read format, they arent as pleased with resumes that include logos and a ton of color. These resumes can appear unprofessional and silly.However, there are a few careers where the use of a visual resume can be a great way to demonstrate your ability. Yet, when is a creative resume too much? Here are a few suggestions to help you decide when, and if, you should use a graphic resume.When to use a graphic resumeOnly professionals in certain careers should consider using a graphic resume design period. These include web designers, advertising specialists, artists, and graphic designers. If you dont work in these fields, stay away from using a creative format, and instead opt for a simple res ume design. If you work or are pursuing work in a field where a graphic resume design is appropriate, its a good idea to also have another version of your resume handy that is free of graphics and uses a simple, clean design. When you apply to a job online and upload your resume through an employers application tracking system, its important to remember that the ATS software cannot see the graphics you worked so hard to create. Stick to simple, graphic-free resume design for your online applications and save the visual resume when youre emailing or snail mailing your resume to someone.RelatedWhy a Simple Resume Layout is a Successful ResumePlace emphasis on the contentWhether you choose a graphic or a voreingestellt resume format, the emphasis should be placed on its content. Graphic resumes mucksmuschenstill follow the basic resume format title, summary, key skills, experience, education, and professional development. Focus on the content as much as the design and layout, using str ong action verbs, achievement statements, and contributions.Optimize your resume content using these basic techniques word choice and placement.Choose your words carefully. Remove articles, such as the, a, and, an, from your resume. They are not necessary and take up a lot of room. Use action verbs and achieving language, staying away from standard job descriptions that often advertise you as a doer rather than an achiever. In addition, search for, and incorporate, keywords related to the job.Organize your information strategically. The organization and layout of your content are just as important as the information itself. As youre evaluating the content on your resume, consider the importance and priority of each piece of information, if its redundant or if it adds value, and if theres a better way to highlight the most relevant pieces of information. For instance, examples of measurable success and other highly marketable selling points should be called out using bullets undernea th each job position in your work history.Stay away from infographicsAdvertising designers are used to displaying raw data into design formats. However, rather than listing sales increases and new contracts in an infographic, look towards the individual position. Create a section for key achievements and notable contributions below each position, and list those key pieces of information in bulleted format. This connects your best career moments with the job where you accomplished them.Portfolios speak louder than wordsCandidates often mistake their resume as an extension of their portfolio. Your resume is simply a one- or two-page summary of your career, abilities, and skills.In addition to sending a graphic or simple resume, a well-organized portfolio of your best five projects is highly useful. Once your resume is complete, include a cover letter and an attachment of your portfolio. This serves to display certain design skills better than a graphic resume.Consider the 6-second tes tStudies show hiring managers spend six seconds on average scanning resumes they receive. If your resume whether its a standard or graphic resume doesnt display your top achievements, experience, and education within six seconds, chances are your resume will land in the trash. If you place too much emphasis on design elements and graphics, that is all the hiring manager will see.Take the six-second test to determine if your resume is optimalHighlight five to eight key skill requirements from a job advertisement in your field.Fold the first page of your resume in half.Set your phones alarm clock to about six seconds.Count how many key skill requirements and accomplishments match the above highlights.If you could skim your resume in that amount of time, count at least five highlights, and understand your abilities, the test was a success. This test is mora accurate when you have a friend, particularly someone outside your field, skim your resume in 10 seconds or less.RelatedHow to P ass the 6-Second Resume TestApplicant tracking systems (ATS) dont read graphics wellATS software scans resumes received by hiring managers, looks for keywords applicable to the targeted position, deletes resumes not meeting those criteria, and stores candidates information electronically. If the ATS finds too many elements it cannot read or understand, the system will delete your resume and the hiring manager will never know you existed. Its best to leave these elements offyour resume as ATS programs dont work well with themGeneral titlesCustom headingsImages, columns, and tablesSpecial characters and fontsHow to replace a graphic resume design with a different formatAfter taking out logos, special fonts, characters, and art, you may look at your resume and think its a little dull. Never fear, as there are ways to make a more creative resume layout without damaging your chances of landing an interview.First look at your main title. Your name, targeted position, and contact informati on should be prominently displayed at the top. Play around with the lettering, while keeping the font basic.You can alsoAdd a border to the outside of the document to help contain the content.Format job titles and positions with bold or italics.Make sure each section should have a header.Use borders and shading to make those areas more attractive.Just remember too much will confuse the ATS and hiring manager.In the end, be consistent with your formatting treatments and dont overdo it. In the case of your resumes design, less truly is more. You want to advertise yourself without actually appearing to advertise yourself.Click on the following link for more resume advice.Not sure if your resume design is showcasing you correctly? Take advantage of our free resume review today and checkRecommended ReadingHow To Format a Modern, Visually-Appealing ResumeCustomize Your Resume to Stand Out From the Crowd5 Things Should Always Include on Your ResumeRelated Articles

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